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  • Types of Paint | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Types of Paint Akryl Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Akrylové barvy jsou nejběžnějšími typy barev používaných na modelových sadách a dioráme. S akrylovou barvou se snadno manipuluje, protože je na vodní bázi, což znamená, že ji lze ředit a čistit vodou. Nejlepších výsledků však dosáhnete použitím akrylového ředidla nebo zlepšovače toku airbrush. Akrylové barvy jsou náchylné na poškrábání nebo stopy, proto je důležité modelářské soupravy potřít lakem, aby byly chráněny. V závislosti na teplotě akrylová barva zaschne přibližně za 20 minut a vytvrdne do 24 hodin. Pro stříkání vzduchu ředidla na bázi alkoholu schnou rychleji než voda. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Výhody Akrylové materiály na vodní bázi mají tendenci rychle schnout, mají zanedbatelný zápach a lze je snadno smíchat s vodou nebo ředidlem. Voda může být také použita k čištění kartáčů a také k odstranění vrchního nátěru k vytvoření efektu štěpení. Z důvodu doby rychlého schnutí to umožňuje během modelování nanášet mnohem více barevných vrstev, čímž se zvyšuje tvorba složitějších oblastí, jako jsou kokpity a figurky. Mnoho výrobců nyní vyrábí širokou škálu barevných řad určených k replikaci skutečných barev používaných v mnoha zemích v celé historii. To usnadňuje výrobu řady modelů s přesnými schématy lakování a povrchovými úpravami. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. V dnešní době mnoho výrobců vyrábí akrylové barvy vhodné pro airbrushes, jako jsou Vallejo Model Air, MIG AMMO a AK Interactive. Akrylová barva s technologií airbrushing se líbí mnoha modelářům, protože tyto barvy jsou relativně bezpečné pro použití v interiéru a mají malý zápach. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Zřeknutí se odpovědnosti: Při stříkání barvy je vysoce vhodné používat stříkací kabinu a masku na obličej / respirátor, abyste se chránili před vytvářeným oblakem stříkání. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Nevýhody Díky rychlejší době schnutí vyžadují akrylové materiály zvláštní péči, aby se na modelu nevytvořily stopy po kartáči. Toho lze dosáhnout nanesením několika tenkých vrstev nebo použitím nivelačních ředidel, retardérů vysoušení nebo prostředků zlepšujících tok, které lze také použít při stříkání akrylátů, akrylové barvy jsou náchylné k vysychání v airbrush, jeho špičce nebo ve vzduchu na jeho cestě k modelu. Okolní teplota může také ovlivnit aspekty sušení. Konečný povrch se nazývá mnoho vrchního laku nebo laku. Pomůže to chránit lak před poškozením, protože některé modely jsou určeny pro stolní wargaming, který je vystaven velkému množství manipulace a opakovaného použití. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Některé značky akrylové barvy mohou být na bázi alkoholu, které dodávají sladkou vůni. To může způsobit problémy při kartáčování malby, protože druhá nebo třetí vrstva může interferovat s předchozími vrstvami barvy. Lak Lakové barvy jsou nejméně běžně používané kvůli jejich obtížnosti a riziku použití. Lakové barvy jsou nejtvrdší ze tří hlavních typů a suší nejrychleji. Po zaschnutí se laky velmi snadno odstraňují, aniž by došlo k poškození plastu. Ze tří jsou také nejtoxičtější, takže uživatelé by měli být v dobře větraném prostoru a používat stříkací kabinu odolnou proti výbuchu se speciálním ventilátorovým systémem a nosit respirátor, ochranu očí a rukavice. Laková barva vyžaduje jiný typ ředidla barvy, vhodně pojmenovaný ředidlo laku. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Příklady lakových barev jsou MrColor a MRP (MrPaint). Smalt Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Smaltované barvy obvykle zaschnou do tvrdého, lesklého povrchu. Zaschnutí může trvat asi 2 až 3 hodiny, ale doba vytvrzení je 24 až 48 hodin. Z tohoto důvodu smaltovaná barva silněji schne, proto je odolnější vůči poškrábání. Smaltované barvy jsou toxičtější než akrylové barvy, ale nejsou tak špatné jako lakované barvy. Používá se k ručnímu malování, kde pomalejší zasychání umožňuje další čas, aby se barva vyrovnala a skryla tahy štětcem. Smaltové barvy se také doporučují pro mytí panelů. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Příklady smaltovaných barev jsou Tamiya Enamel, AK Interactive a MIG AMMO.

  • Canada | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Canada Canada is a North American country comprising ten provinces and three territories. Positioned in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Canada is the world’s second-largest country by total area, and its common border with the United States of America is the world’s longest land border. ​ Canada has been inhabited for millennia by various Indigenous peoples. During the late 15th century, British and French colonial expeditions explored, and settled the region’s Atlantic coast. France relinquished virtually all its colonies in North America to the United Kingdom in 1763 following the French and Indian War, which was basically the North American Seven Years’ War. ​ Out of gallery While walking the Sundance trail near Banff I met my first wolves face-to-face. There was a pack of about seven and having bred and trained a few German shepherd dogs I noticed their tails were relaxed and their attention was not on me. So, I kept very still and avoided direct eye contact. That day they passed me by on a ridge about ten metres away. A couple of days later, while on the same trail, they were on the track about 50 metres in front of me. Now the prudent thing to do would be to turn back, but I am not like that. So, I waited and watched as they moved closer. Again, the wolves seemed relaxed and showed no signs of aggression, anyway, it was too late to retreat, and running was not an option, doing this might turn on their hunting instincts. Slowly they came closer until they were about six feet in front of me I am not sure why, but I started to talk quietly to them and slowly they came up to me and carried on walking past, a couple brushing against my legs. I knew it was the same pack, one of the females had a slight limp. During my stay in Banff, I met the wolves once more, and again they walked close enough that I brushed my hand over the back of one. Hell of a feeling I can tell you. Anyway, that brought on my love of these animals. Several years later I when staying in Canmore a town in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains I heard a local farm had looked after two young wolves and let them roam the farmland. They also had a rare white bison, so I contacted them to arrange a visit. Fantastic place and the owners looked after me and showed me around. Unfortunately, the two wolves were not around and two weeks later I had a disturbing email stating that the wolves had been shot and killed by another farmer. In 1867, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces due to the union of three British North American colonies through a coalition. This initiated an accretion of provinces and territories and the process of increasing autonomy culminated in the Canada Act of 1982. Canada is a federal state governed as a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy - with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state (the Canadian anthem is the Royal anthem ‘God Save the Queen.’ The country is officially multicultural and bilingual, with a population of around 38 million as of 2020. Canada’s forward-thinking economy is one of the largest in the world, relying mainly upon its copious natural resources and well-developed trade systems. Canada ranks amongst the highest in international measurements of education, quality of life, government transparency, civil liberties, and economic freedom.

  • Japan | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Japan Out of gallery

  • Finland | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Finland Ylläs, Finland, well what can I say. If it is good skiing you want, it is not the best location to consider. I skied one day in two weeks if you can call it skiing. I eagerly made my way to the first slope in a thirty mile an hour wind and a blistering -42° (without the wind-chill) that froze my eyelids, I got off the lift and…waited, waited, and waited. At least a forty-degree incline and I was still stuck to the snow like glue to wood and ended up poling myself down the slope and worked up a greater sweat than running a marathon. Needed a drink after that run, not tea or coffee either. Meanwhile, my two mates were skiing one of the other three slopes. There are more than four runs, but most were closed because of the high winds. Out of gallery However, I can recommend the scenery, hospitality, husky safaris, and ski bike tours. Make sure you shop around as prices vary considerably. I managed to get a husky ski bike tour to a husky site and then a husky safari for the afternoon. We left at 1030 hours and arrived back about 1900 hours, so a full day for less than other companies was charging for a four-hour husky ride. The food was fantastic, if expensive, but once your there they have you, so you must cough up or stay in your accommodation all evening. Pete and I eat out every evening, but Chris tended to eat in. There is a nice supermarket, and the prices are good so if you’re on a budget eat in. The three of us found a fantastic chapel where Chris recited one of his compositions on the piano much to the pleasure of the locals. Pete and I talked to the woman who looked after the chapel. She was rightly proud of Saint Laurent chapel. It is a modern wooden design that hosts Christmas concerts with its innovative architecture and acoustic resonance. The chapel bell has its own structure outside of the chapel, an innovative design. We went in March and the temperature varied from -32 to -46. Our log-cabin had under-floor heating and a great log burner, so we were more than comfortable. It even had a clothing and ski boot warmer.

  • Programming languages | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Výpočetní What are Computer programming languages? Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. Many human languages exist, there is also an assortment of Computer programming languages that programmers use to communicate with a computer. The portion of the language that a computer can understand is called a Binary. Translating programming language into binary is known as Compiling. Every language, from Pascal, C++, or Python, has its own distinctive features, although there are numerous similarities between each programming language. Computer languages permit computers to process large and complex lines of information rapidly and efficiently. There are lots of programming languages used in the industry today. The links below are three main languages I have used: ​ Pascal Python C++ HTML

  • Choose a tripod | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Choosing a Tripod 1. Weight A tripod’s weight should be considered from two perspectives. Will it be carried around? Used indoors? Or both? ​ I have: 2 x heavy tripods for indoor use. 4 x small tripods for tabletop, placing on low walls or a bonnet of a car. 1 x medium weight tripod for outdoor use - Remember that someone is going to need to carry it around. Mine attaches to my Bergan/rucksack which makes it easier to carry long distances. ​ 2. Stability Weight does not always equal stability. If possible, test the tripod with the camera on it along with the largest lens, light, flash, and microphone. Test it fully extended to see how stable it is. Will it be sturdy on a windy day? Will it take the knock of someone bumping it on the way past? Has it got hooks for weights? ​ 3. Leg Locks There is a lot of variation between manufacturers when it comes to the mechanisms used for locking legs into place. Often, it comes to personal preference, but secure locks are essential. My main tripods are Manfrotto, they offer quick-release locks that are stable, and I have found reliable. ​ 4. Leg Sections The number of sections used to alter the height on tripods can be a factor. If they have two sections, they will be longer when they are collapsed. Two is good because there is less playing around with extending and locking the legs, while three sections provide a more compact tripod when folded. ​ 5. Height How long is a piece of string? Depending on the type of photography, the height requirements of a tripod will vary. What is the maximum height needed? But also, how it operates at its minimum, and how big it is when it is all folded. In all honesty, having a tripod one can look into the camera’s eyepiece without having to bend is a bonus, there is nothing worse than a full day of leaning over to check the framing shots. ​ 6. Tripod Heads Tripod heads can either be bought with a tripod as a complete set or separately. One key aspect to consider about a tripod is how the camera attaches to it. There are numerous options available, and it is worth planning and considering the options, as the tripod head not only keeps your camera on the tripod but will determine how much flexibility you have once it is attached. ​ My preference is the quick release Manfrotto tripod heads, they are well built and extremely sturdy. Each of my cameras and GoPros have a Manfrotto tripod head fitted, so I can easily swap cameras or tripods. ​ The two main types of tripod heads are: ​ Ball and socket – are great for flexibility and moving your camera around, but I find them fiddley. ​ Pan and tilt – are great for locking into position and are usually more affordable. They are not as fluid to move around and take getting used to, but I prefer them.

  • Lunix OS | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Linux Linux is an open-source operating system (OS), it sits underneath the other software on a computer, receiving requests from programs and relaying those requests to the computer’s hardware. A Linux distribution (often abbreviated as distro) is an operating system (OS) made from a collection of software based on the Linux kernel and often a package management system. A few acts and feels like MS Windows or macOS, and are relatively easy to use, while others are more complex to use. I mostly use Linux Mint, Puppy, and Mageia, but only as a personal preference. If I had to choose one it is Linux Mint as I find it is a good all-round operating system. ​ I have two dual boot systems (where I can choose to boot into either Linux or Windows – or Linux or macOS) and one triple boot computer (where I can choose to boot into either one of two Linux distro or Windows). So, why so many computers and operating systems? I use the computers and operating systems for different things but do most of my programming on Linux. Other tasks can be done on any of the operating systems. The advantage of Linux is, when I log onto Linux Mint, I can also view and move across the data from MS Windows, modify it and then move it back without the need to boot into Windows. This is extremely useful if the Windows operating system crashes and I need an aspect of data fast, as I can use Linux to get what I need. Especially useful for data rescue . ​ Also, Linux is not as hungry on a computer's resources, so Linux operating system and its programs can be installed and run on older lower spec computers and hardware. ​ Linux comes in many distro types or versions, a few are: ​ Mint Puppy Linux Mandriva Mageia Kubuntu Arch Linux Ubuntu Fedora Ubuntu Red Hat OpenSUSE Mandrake CentOS MX Linux Gentoo Slackware Debian Free BSD Additional Links: ​ Install WINE How does Linux differ from other operating systems (OS)? But many Windows programs will run quite happily on a Linux operating system, but you will need Wine (not the fluid type). ​ Wine is a free Linux tool to run Windows compatible software on a Linux operating system, without the need of MS Windows. ​ Wine is an open-source Windows compatibility layer that can run Windows programs directly on a Linux desktop. Basically, this open-source project is endeavoring to re-implement enough of Windows from scratch that it can run all those Windows applications without needing Windows. Linux is like MS Windows and macOS (formerly OS X or iOS). Like other operating systems, Linux has a graphical interface, and the same kinds of software you are accustomed to. There is a vast repository of free software available, an exceedingly small list is: ​ Word processors and PDF Editors – LibreOffice , PDF Studio , or OpenOffice Code and Text Editors – VS Code, Lyx , Simplenote , Laverna or Texmaker Photo, Image, Video and Audio editors – GIMP, Inkscape , Audacity , LMMS , Kdenlive , and OpenShot Screen Recording – Kazam , OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) , Flameshot or Ksnip Communication, Messaging, and Productivity Tools – Slack or Franz Virtualization options – Oracle , VM VirtualBox Authenticators - Authy Media Converters – Handbrake and SoundConverter Hardware and Software management systems – Stacer and Htop Backup Tools – Timeshift or Bacula Media Players – Audacious or VLC Media Server Software – Kodi and Plex Gamers – Steam and Discord Internet browsers - Firefox , Midori, Opera , Gnome , Google Chrome, Brave , Vivaldi , Falkon , Konqueror , Pale Moon , Waterfox , Slimjet, and Dissenter Email clients – Hiri and Thunderbird In many cases, software creators make a Linux version of the same program compatible with other operating systems. So, if you can use a computer or other electronic device, you can use Linux. ​ Nevertheless, Linux also is different from other operating systems in many significant ways. Linux is open-source software. The code used to create Linux is free and available to the public to view, edit, and for users with the appropriate skills to contribute to it. ​ Linux is also unusual in that, although the core pieces of the Linux operating system are generally common, there are many distributions (types or versions) of Linux, that include distinctive software options. Meaning, that Linux is incredibly customisable, not because applications like word processors and web browsers, can be changed, but Linux users can also choose core components, like which system display graphic or user-interface components used.

  • Motherboard | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Motherboard A motherboard, system board, or colloquially, a mobo is a printed circuit board (PCB) found in computers and other expandable systems. ​ All motherboards have socket name that corresponds with the CPU that can be used, a few are: ​ AMD AM3+, AMD Ryzen™ and AMD FX Intel i7 series LGA 1156 socket H Intel i9 - LGA 2066 A Motherboard holds a few crucial components, such as, ​ Central Processing Unit or the CPU socket. Memory (RAM) slots. Contains important sub-systems . Many have embedded HD video facilities and 7:1 sound . Holds the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) installed. Provides connectors for peripherals, sockets, connections, and slots for: ​ Mouse Keyboard Speakers Network port USB ports Firewire port Hard drives Monitor Video cards Sound cards Network cards TV Tuner cards Motherboards provide several external connections, so users are able use the computer. It is PCB with expansion capability - the board is the ‘mother’ of most of the components attached. Different types of motherboard ports and their functions explained. ​ RJ-45 (Registered Jack 45) LAN port – The RJ-45 port allows connection to a Local Area Network (LAN) through a network hub using an RJ-45 cable. ​ Analog Audio P orts – allow connections like speakers, audio devices, and microphones. ​ USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2.0 or 3.0 Ports - are located on each motherboard and used for connecting mice, keyboards, printers/scanners, external hard drives, and tablets. ​ PS/2 Keyboard Port (purple) - used for a PS/2 keyboard. PS/2 mouse port (green) - used for a PS/2 mouse. ​ 1394a Port - used to connect firewire devices. FireWire has largely been displaced by USB. However, some professional audio hardware devices still use FireWire. ​ Optical S/PDIF - used for sound connections to home audio receivers or powered PC speakers with optical connections. ​ eSATA Port (External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) - It is an external interface for SATA technologies and competes with FireWire 400 and USB 2.0 to provide fast data transfer speeds for external storage devices. ​ HDMI Port (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) - is a digital interface for transmitting audio and video data in a single cable. It is supported by most HDTVs and related components, like DVD and Blu-Ray players, cable boxes, and video game systems. ​ DVI Port (Digital Visual Interface) - is used to send digital information from a computer to a digital display, such as a flat-panel LCD monitor. There are several types: ​ DisplayPort (DP) - is a digital display interface developed by a conglomerate of PC and chip manufacturers. The interface is primarily used to connect a video source to a display device, a monitor, it can also carry audio , USB , and other forms of data. Initially, the DisplayPort was designed to replace VGA, FPD-Link, Digital Visual Interface (DVI), and the interface is backward compatible with HDMI and DVI, using adapters. ​ VGA (Video Graphics Array) Port - VGA is an older video format and it allows an analog signal as opposed to a digital signal (ones and zeroes). Using higher frequencies, it is possible to reach a relatively high range of video resolutions. However, video quality directly responds to cable quality, and particularly with higher resolutions. Because of this, the quality of a VGA image can fluctuate with different makes of cable. ​ ​ Bus Sub-Systems The motherboard is a circuit board that connects the CPU to the memory and all the other hardware. Buses are circuits on the motherboard that connect the CPU to other components. There are many buses on the motherboard, bus systems move instructions and data around the system. Bus speed is measured in megahertz (MHz), The faster the bus, the quicker data is communicated, therefore, the motherboards speed is defined by the bus speed. ​ Bus systems are limited by their width in bits and are usually 8, 16, or 32-bits wide. This indicates how many bits can be sent by the bus at any one time, so, a 32-bit bus can send 32 bits or a 16-bit can send 16 bits at once. ​ The bus that connects the CPU to the memory is called the front-side bus (FSB) or system bus. CPU cores share Level 2 and Level 3 cache across the front-side bus and will usually connect to Level 2 cache through the back-side bus (BSB), the back-side bus is faster than the FSB. ​ There are two types of Bus sub-systems: ​ Internal – Buses that connect to internal components. ​ External – Buses that connect to external components. ​ The FSB contains two types of bus: ​ Address bus - this sends information about where data needs to go by sending an address to the memory. The address bus only sends data in one direction - from the CPU to RAM. ​ Data bus - this sends data to the memory or receives data from the memory. Data can flow both ways along the data bus. ​ ​ A Bus Sub-system transfers data between computer components. Separate to point-to-point connections, a bus system can logically connect several peripherals over the same set of connections. ​ Every Bus defines its set of connectors to physically plug devices, cards, or cables together. Because of this, there are various kinds of slots used to connect internal and external devices. North Bridge : The northbridge typically handles communications among the CPU, in some cases RAM, and PCI Express (or AGP) video cards, and the southbridge. Northbridge is directly connected to AGP video, thus providing higher transfer rates. SouthBridge : The southbridge is one of the two chips in the core logic chipset on a personal computer (PC) motherboard, the other being the northbridge. The southbridge typically implements the slower capabilities of the motherboard in a northbridge/southbridge chipset computer architecture. A southbridge chipset handles all the computer's I/O functions, such as USB, audio, serial, the system BIOS, the ISA bus, the interrupt controller, and the IDE channels. PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) There are many kinds of internal buses, but there are only a few popular ones. Various motherboards have different kinds and a number of slots, so it is vital to know what kind and number of slots a motherboard has before purchasing a sound or video card and match the type of slot to the motherboard. ​ PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) was common in PCs several years ago, now PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) has succeeded this type of bus. Usually, PCIe cards used were: ​ Network card or NIC card Sound card Modems Additional USB or Serial ports TV tuner card Additional SATA disk controllers Video card ​ PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) PCIe was designed to replace the general-purpose PCI expansion bus and the aging AGP graphics card interface. PCIe is not a bus, but a point-to-point connection of serial links called lanes. Because PCIe cards have faster bandwidths than PCI cards they make an ideal option for high-end video cards. ​ AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) is a high-speed point-to-point channel for attaching graphics cards to motherboards to help in the acceleration of 3D graphics. Connectors and Motherboard Pins Motherboards require connectors and Pins to work. Some power the motherboard, while others provide connections for: ​ SATA and IDE (old type connection) Hard drives SATA and IDE DVD/CD writers/players and IDE floppy drive (no longer used) USB, Firewire, Audio (analog and digital), connections for the front of the case, and DVD players Power for fans (including the CPU cooling fan) ATX 24 pin and ATX 6 12-volt motherboard power Front panel pins – computer cases have fitted leads for front USB, Firewire, audio, microphones and: Power Switch Speaker Reset Switch Power LED Chassis Intrusion Header Hard drive activity LED Message/Power Sleep LED ​ Front panel pins are a conundrum because case manufacturers have not decided on a standard. Some manufacturers use plain coloured wire, others dual coloured and they hardly ever identify with is positive or ground leads. If lucky they put an information sheet in the box, but the cheaper cases tend not to have these. ​ Luckily, some motherboard manufacturers are more accommodating. However, all manufacturers do indicate which lead is which by abbreviating on the connector, such as: ​ PWR – Power Switch SPK - Speaker RES - Reset Switch MSG - Message/Power/Sleep LED CH - Chassis Intrusion Header HD - Hard drive activity LED PWR LED ​ The pin assignments for the front panel header may differ by model. Refer to the motherboard user's manual for the actual pin assignments.

  • Programming and HTML Editing Software | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Programming Editing Software What is programming editing software? They are a computer program that edits plain text and called text editors. Text editing software is incorporated with operating systems and software development packages, they are used to write or modify configuration files, documentation files, and programming language source code. ​ Here are some of the programming editing programs I use: Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to create and change any kind of text very efficiently. It is included as ‘vi’ with most UNIX systems and Apple OS X. Vim is rock stable and is continuously being developed into a better text editor. ​ Features: Persistent, multi-level undo tree. Extensive plugin systems. Support for a myriad of programming languages and file formats. Powerful search and replace abilities. Integrates well with many tools. Notepad++ is a popular free-to-use code editor written in C++. It uses pure win32 API which offers a larger execution speed and small program size. It only runs in the MS Window's environment but uses a GPL License. ​ Features: This text editor supports syntax highlighting for languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Auto-completion: Word completion, Function completion. Macro recording and playback. User-defined Syntax highlighting and folding. Customizable GUI. Multi-view and Multi-Language support. Visual Studio Code is an open-source (Free) code editing software developed by Microsoft. This free text editor offers built-in support for TypeScript, JavaScript, and Node.js. It is autocompleted with IntelliSense features provides smart completions based on variable types, essential modules, and function definitions. ​ Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux. ​ Features: Easy working with Git and other SCM (Software Configuration Management) providers. Code refactoring & debugging. Easily extensible and customizable. Brackets is a free lightweight tool developed by Adobe. It allows you to toggle between your source code and the browser view. ​ Platform: Mac, Windows, Linux ​ Features: Quick Edit UI feature puts context-specific code and tools inline. Offers live preview, pre-processor support, and inline editors. Pleasant-looking User Interface (UI). A specifically developed tool for macOS Comes with the inbuilt extension manager. Dreamweaver is an Adobe software editor that allows users to create, code, and manage dynamic websites easily. Users can build responsive websites that adapt to fit any screen size, whether it is on a computer or handheld device. You can preview your websites and edit in real-time to ensure your pages look and work the way you want before you publish. It provides access code hints so users can quickly learn and edit HTML, CSS, and other web standards, and it uses visual aids to reduce errors and speed up site development. I have been using Dreamweaver for countless years and have found it to be a reliable robust editor. But it is expensive and out of reach for many non-professional users.

  • Operating Systems | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Operating Systems An operating system (OS) is the system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. Most computer programs require an operating system to function. Since the early days of Windows 3.0 and 3.1, operating systems for home or business users have evolved into more reliable and complex operating systems capable of undertaking countless tasks. Even so, most operating systems and software programs are upgraded rather than rewritten from the ground up. This lack of commitment and foresight limits operating systems development. What we see in science fiction (SciFi) films is not commonplace in our homes. Yet we have the technology and skills to push operating systems into that age, where: ​ ​ Walls become displays in every room. Desktop computers are integrated systems that communicate with our home and business devices, such as store cupboards, fridges, entertainment, lighting, heating, and security. Voice recognition and instant language translation are commonplace. Contact lenses become the new interfaces and remove the need for mobile phones, tablets, or laptops. ​ The four most common operating systems are: ​ Microsoft Windows Apple’s macOS Linux (Although this is not a commonly used OS for PC manufacturers) Android ​ Methods to identify an OS ​ If you do not know what version of Windows being used, press the Windows key at the bottom of the keyboard, which looks like four squares and the R key at the same time to open the Run dialog box, then, Type in ‘ winver ’, then click Okay . A window should open called About Windows that tells you which operating system you are using. ​ Open the Start menu by clicking the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. If you see a search text box, select it, and then type about or about your pc . If you do not see a search text box, then just start typing about or about your pc . Select About your PC.

  • Networking | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Networking and Internet It is a computer network is a group of computers or servers that use a set of common communication protocols over digital interconnections for the function of sharing resources located on or provided by the network nodes. The interconnections between nodes are formed from a broad spectrum of telecommunication network technologies, based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency methods that may be arranged in a variety of network analysis situs. ​ Computer networks for the home and small business can be built using wired or wireless technology. In the past, a wired Ethernet has been the option is used in homes, but Wi-Fi wireless technology has improved greatly and is now commonplace. ​ Wired and wireless networks have advantages and disadvantages. They equally epitomise practical choices for home or other local area networks (LANs) and depend on the packages purchased by the user. ​ When possible, I prefer wired solutions as performance and security are better and more reliable. Wireless networks are convenient but can have performance and security issues. ​ Both have advantages and disadvantages. ​ Wireless networks allow devices to stay connected to the network but roam untethered to any wires. Access points amplify Wi-Fi signals, so a device can be far from a router but still be connected to the network. When connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot at a public place, café, hotel, airport lounge, the connection is with that business's wireless network. ​ Wired networks use cables to connect devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, or servers to access the Internet or additional network. A wired network has disadvantages when compared to a wireless network, the largest is that the device is tethered to a router. ​ Motherboards have at least one RJ-45 networking socket and some have integrated Wi-Fi adapters fitted. ​ A computer network is a collection of computers and/or hardware interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information. ​ It is where a device, computer or server sends or receives data to or from another device, computer, or server in a remote location. When connected, the two devices are said to be networked. A network is a group is the sum of computers, tablets, phones, laptops, and servers that are connected. Networks are organised in a diverse group of physiognomies, such as, the method used to carry the data and communications protocols. ​ Communication protocols define the rules and data formats for swapping information in a computer network and provide the basis for network programming. Router A router is a networking device that forwards data several layer packets between computer networks, such as files, communications, and transmissions. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, like web pages or emails, data packets, a packet is normally forwarded from one router to router through the networks that make up the Internet until it reaches its destination node. ​ Data packets have several layers, or sections, one of which carries identifying information such as sender, data type, size, and most importantly, the destination Internet protocol (IP) address. The router reads this layer, prioritizes the data, and chooses the best route to use for each transmission.

  • HDD Errors | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    HDD Error Management Hard Drive Error Management ​ A healthy primary becoming a RAW partition can be caused by several reasons, such as: ​ Virus infection Format failure Accidental OS shutdown Power outages ​ How to do RAW partition fix easily in Windows 7/8/10? There are a few ways you could choose from. ​ DISCLAIMER: The examples that I have illustrated are ones I employ to deal with hard drive problems. They might be dangerous to use for some systems. These procedures may also be ineffective. If you try them, you may cause damage or irreparable data loss. Because of this take great care. Therefore, I take no responsibility for anything you do based on my examples or the information that I have provided. ​ How to Fix: Internal or External HDDs that became RAW. A commonplace and bewildering problem with computers is the unexpected and mysterious disappearance of a hard drive (HHD) that has been working properly. It can be a horrendous experience to suddenly find that your data might be gone forevermore. I still get the stomach tightening when a message box reports that your HDD has given up the ghost. ​ It is easy to say, ‘ Don’t panic ’, but most inexperienced people will have that gut-wrenching moment when the hard drive is no longer usable. ​ If approached sensibly and carefully, the situation can usually be resolved, and the data saved. Below we will look at a few of the causes, fixes, and preventative measures for occurrences involving HDDs used with Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8, Yes, I know they are old systems, but I know of a major computer store that still uses XP because of the cost and management implications of upgrading to MS Windows 10. ​ Error Messages Usual error messages associated with the inability to access an HDD. When attempting to access the drive in Windows you may see a message asking you to format the drive - ‘You need to format the disk in drive before you can use it, Do you want to format it?’ ​ DO NOT FORMAT THE DRIVE Another error that you may see when trying to access the drive in Windows from a program or the command line is - ‘ This volume does not contain a recognised file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded, and that the volume is not corrupted. ’ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Attempting to run chkdsk with a RAW HDD to repair the problem will give the error – ‘chkdsk cannot be run on the drive’ The type of the file system is RAW. CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives.’ Before going on, you need to be aware of the risks involved. ​ If the problem with the drive is not a logical error but is a symptom of physical damage, the more you try to use or repair it, the worse the damage may become. ​ The drive should not be making strange clicking or beeping noises. If this occurs it indicates physical damage. ​ In these situations, I disconnect the drive from my windows machine and plug it into a purely Linux machine to repair or recover the data. Even so, this can make the situation worse. ​ If you wish to continue your own there are a couple of important rules to remember. If you do not have a dual boot system with Linux perhaps a friend does. ​ Do Not try to write anything to the raw DRIVE apart from trying to repair the Master Boot Record (MBR) and Boot Sector. Any other data transfer, deleting partitions, or attempting to format the drive can overwrite data on the drive. ​ If you have important data or photographs on the drive do not mess about it, take/send it to a professional for data retrieval. ​ Computer problems are erratic and not set in stone. So, try other ideas, search the web. Not every option will work so it is important to think laterally. ​ If the drive does not hold important data you can try to format it using the command line - I have had several successes, but also many failures. ​ If you do not need any of the data - use the 'Disk Clean' method below Open the Disk Management window and click on Disk Management in the left pane and make note of the disk in the middle pane of the disk that you want to clean or clean all (Fig: Be sure that you have the correct disk, check the number, mine is drive ‘T’ No. 4. You would not want to wipe clean the wrong disk. Press the Windows + C keys to open the search dialog, type command on the left side of your screen right-click the ‘ Command Prompt ’ tab and choose ‘ Run as Administrator ’ at the bottom of the page, and click the link. Once the Shell opens (Fig: 1) a line will display: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ Fig: 1 Type ‘ diskpart ’ (Fig: 2) and press ‘ Enter ’ Fig: 2 Beside DISKPART> type ‘ list disk ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ ​ You will see in (Fig: 3) that there are 6 disks listed 0 to 5, remember I am using disk 4. (Double, no triple check you have the correct disk before continuing) Fig: 3 Now the prompt (Fig: 4) displays ‘ Disk 4 is now the selected disk ’ ​ Beside DISKPART > type ‘ list disk ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ You will see in (Fig: 4) that I have 6 disks listed 0 to 5, remember I am using disk 4. (Double, no triple check you have the correct disk before continuing) ​ Beside DISKPART > type ‘clean’ and then press ‘ Enter ’ Fig: 4 Disk 4 will now be cleaned, once complete it will state ‘ DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk ’ (Fig: 5). Fig: 5 For a full clean, just type ‘ clean all ’ instead of ‘ clean ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ as before – a clean all will take many hours if you are using it on a large drive. ​ Go back to the Disk Management screen and format the drive, normally it will format fine using efat system, but I have had problems with some hard drives reverting back to RAW when trying to format them in NTSF .

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