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- Cornwall | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
- DVI Conntctor Types | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
DVI-I - DVI-D - DVI-A Differences Differences between DVI-I - DVI-D - DVI-A connector types DVI connectors come in three types: DVI-D (digital) DVI-I (integrated; analog and digital) DVI-A (analog) DVI-I and DVI-D connectors have different data rates, also known as single-link or dual-link. Each link type has a maximum allowed data rate that ensures the data is not corrupted when transferred from the graphics card to a monitor. DVI uses Transition Minimized Differential Signalling (TMDS) to transmit data over a single twisted wire pair. A single-link DVI connector consists of four TMDS links. Three of the four links link to the red, green, and blue RGB video signals, while the fourth is the clock control channel. Single-link connectors operate up to 165MHz and offer 1.65Gbps of bandwidth and can support resolutions up to 1920×1200 at a refresh rate of 60Hz. Dual-link connections double the number of RGB TMDS pairs – exclusive of the clock pair, thereby enabling up to 2Gbps of bandwidth. They can also support higher resolutions up to 2560×1600 at a refresh rate of 60Hz. Dual-link connectors are fully backward compatible with single-link operation unless a display mode uses more than 165MHz pixel clock frequency or 24 bits per pixel. While a single-link connector cannot support dual-link connections at any time, so dual-link connections are preferable. DVI connection pins are comprised of an 8×3 rectangle pinout supporting TMDS, DDC, analog vertical sync, power, hot-plug detection, and ground signals. So there is: Pins 1-24 4 analog pins for RGB and horizontal sync C1-C4 Long flat pin for analog ground C5 DVI-A connectors have 17 (12+5) pins, they do not have a dual-link option and only carry analog signals. These signals are equal to VGA signals but are presented as an altered configuration. So, a VGA to DVI adapter is necessary to connect a VGA video card to a DVI-A monitor or a DVI-A video card to a VGA monitor. Due to VGA being the dominant connector for analog monitors and DVI as a standard for digital signals for many years DVI-A connectors are rare, while DVI-I and DVI-D connectors are common. DVI-A cables will work with both DVI-A and DVI-I connectors. Male DVI-D cables may fit in a female DVI-A connector but will not work as they do not carry any analog signals. DVI-D connectors transfer digital video signals. There are two types: Single-link DVI-D connectors have 19 pins (18+1) Dual-link DVI-D connectors have 25 pins (24+1). DVI-D cables will work with both DVI-D and DVI-I connectors. HDMI and DisplayPort connectors will also support DVI-D video signals using an adapter, but DVI-D cannot support the supplementary features that HDMI and DisplayPort have, like: Integrated audio CEC control Most digital monitors will have a DVI-D connector, while monitors that support digital and analog signals usually have a DVI-D with a VGA connector. DVI-I single-link connectors have 23 pins (18+5) Dual-link connectors have 29 pins (24+5). DVI-I connectors will not convert analog and digital signals but will accept a digital or analog signal, but not at the same time. If a video card, monitor and cable all have DVI-I connections with the ability to support both analog and digital signals, one mode of operation must be selected. DVI-I connectors will work with all DVI cable types. But a male DVI-I cable will not connect to a female DVI-D connector owing to the additional analog pins. DVI Pins DVI Pins HDMI Pins HDMI Pins Display Port Pins VGA Port Pins Display Port Pins VGA Female DE15 socket - Port Pin This image displays and tables a 15-pin VESA DDC2/E-DDC connector, the diagram’s pin numbering is a female connector that functions as the graphics adapter output. While the male connector numbering corresponds with the cable's wire-and-solder side.
- Long exposure landscape photography | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Long exposure landscape photography I will discuss the practical aspects of long exposure landscape photography later, but first, we need to consider other key factors in getting quality long exposure photographs. Location is the key The first step in creating stunning long exposure images is choosing the correct landscape, one that is conducive to this kind of photography. Long exposures are ideal for conveying movement, but it can also be used to blur unwanted movement, removing the ripples or waves on a lake or sea scene can give a surreal feel. While showing a river, a waterfall, waves crashing onto a beach, or stormy passing clouds can depict movement and drama. Once a location has been identified, consider the time of day. The golden hour is undoubtedly the best time, and it happens twice a day. The golden hour is the short window of time right after sunrise and again right before sunset, when the air is filled with a flattering golden hue that is perfect for photographing everything from landscapes to portraits. During this time, the sun is low in the sky and more diffuse (and redder) than normal thanks to being filtered for a greater distance through the atmosphere. At golden hour, you will not find the harsh shadows seen at high noon. Because the sun is so low on the horizon, the light is directional, creating long, and soft shadows giving dimension to photographs. That soft dimensional light can be used to achieve creative effects that are not possible at other times of the day. So, when does the golden hour occur? It varies depending on the location, the time of year, and weather conditions. Apps, like PlanIt, can help determine sunrise, sunset times, the direction of the sunrise and sunset, and the optimum golden hour times. A general rule of thumb is that the golden hour is about an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset. Subject matter Consider ways that can be incorporated into the frame, like static objects, a boulder or two, a tree, jetty, or island in a lake, icebergs, or a wreck on a beach. Walkabout looking for interesting subjects that might provide a focal point. Shoot in RAW RAW is a file format like jpeg, but unlike jpeg, it captures all the image data recorded by the camera’s sensor rather than compressing it. Shooting in RAW provides higher quality images but also allows for more control in post-processing. For instance, correcting underexposure problems or adjusting aspects like colour temperature, white balance, or contrast. However, one negative aspect of shooting in RAW is that the files take up more space, so I advise using larger SD or Micro SD Cards. Furthermore, RAW photos need some sort of post-processing, so photo editing software is essential. Set the cameras White Balance If the camera is set to Auto White Balance, it will compensate for all the beautiful warm tones you are there specifically for. Auto White Balance makes images bluer than required for the golden hour. In RAW, it is easy to adjust the white balance in post, nevertheless, it is still a good idea to manually set the white balance to get a better idea of what the scene is meant to look like. For beginners, a good initial point for beginners is setting it to shade or cloudy to help get the required golden hues. Aperture Priority mode Aperture Priority mode allows you to choose your aperture and the camera will automatically determine the best shutter speed. Set the ISO of the camera to 100 or lower if possible and let the camera decide the shutter speed. ISO determines the sensitivity of the camera sensor to light, so using the lowest value means that the sensor is minimally sensitive. Additionally, using the lowest ISO can minimize digital noise or grain in the shot. The less noise, the higher the image quality will be. Of course, a sturdy tripod is essential, and an external shutter release device or set the camera to a 2 or 5-second shutter delay to prevent camera shake. Post-processing Shooting in RAW will undoubtedly require some post-processing to enhance the look and feel of any long exposure landscape image. First consider increasing the blue primary in Lightroom or Photoshop as this will increase the vibrance of any rocks, boulders, tree trunks, etc. Then, think about enhancing colours by boosting saturation or vibrancy. Adjust the levels and curves to create an image with a more robust dynamic range. If you find areas of the shot are too bright or too dark, try your hand at dodging and burning to create a more well-exposed image throughout. However, post-processing is all about personal preference and one’s own creative perspective on photography as it is to compose the shot taken on location. Always make small adjustments that you feel are necessary to create the image desired and keep the master copy unaltered and safe.
- QâfModels hints and discussions on model building, modifications and airbrushing
Qâf Scale Models Gozo Qâf Models je navržen tak, aby předvedl mé modely a ukázal, jak je stavím a upravuji. Je to také platforma pro mé fotografie a obrázky. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Tipy na modifikace sestavení modelu, elektronické obvody a jejich součásti. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Tipy na stříkání, vybavení a péči. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Diskuse o airbrush a ručních barvách, základech a lacích. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Discussions and ad vice on using airbrushes, hand painting, types and use of primers, and varnishes. Provide a platform to help each other. Forum for discussions, advice, and support on all aspects of scale modeling, painting, and modifications. Provide a platform for my other hobbies and interests.
- Transistors | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Transistors Tranzistory jsou polovodičová zařízení používaná k přepínání elektronických signálů, zesílení nebo elektrické energie. Tranzistory jsou základem moderních elektronických obvodů. Tranzistor je vyroben z polovodičových materiálů a má obvykle tři svorky pro připojení k vnějšímu obvodu. Napětí nebo proud aplikovaný na jeden pár svorek tranzistoru řídí proud přes další pár svorek. Protože řízený (výstupní) výkon může být vyšší než řídící (vstupní) výkon, může tranzistor zesílit signál. Dnes jsou některé tranzistory baleny jednotlivě, ale mnohem více se nachází v integrovaných obvodech. Symboly bipolárních spojovacích tranzistorů Existují dva typy tranzistorů, NPN a PNP. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Tranzistor NPN má dva bloky polovodičového materiálu typu N a jeden blok polovodičového materiálu typu P. Tranzistor PNP má dvě vrstvy typu P a jednu vrstvu z materiálu typu N. Symbol NPN NPN i PNP je zobrazen na obrázku níže. Rozdíl mezi tranzistory NPN a PNP je ve směru proudu. Šipka ve výše uvedeném diagramu označuje směr toku typického proudu v emitoru s předpětím aplikovaným na spojení emitor-základna. Tranzistory mají tři terminály, jak je uvedeno výše: Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Vysílač Kolektor Základna Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Vysílač - segment vysílače dodává velkou část nosiče náboje. Vysílač je neustále připojen dopředu předpjatý vzhledem k základně, dodává nosič hromadného náboje k základně. Spojení emitor-základna vloží do základny velké množství většinového nosiče náboje, protože je silně fixovaný a má střední velikost. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Sběratel - Sběratel akumuluje hlavní procento nosiče náboje dodávaného emitorem. Spojení kolektor-základna je neustále v obráceném předpětí. Jeho funkcí je odstranit převažující náboje z jeho spojení se základnou. Sběratelský segment tranzistoru je středně pevný, ale má větší hmotnost, takže může shromažďovat většinu nosiče náboje dodávaného emitorem. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Základna - Střední část tranzistoru je základna. Základna tvoří dva okruhy: Vstupní obvod s emitorem. Výstupní obvod s kolektorem. Obvod emitorové báze je předpjatý a nabízí nízký odpor obvodu. Zatímco spojení kolektor-základna je v obráceném předpětí a nabízí vyšší odpor obvodu. Základna tranzistoru je lehce neschopná a extrémně tenká, protože podrobuje nosiči většiny náboje základně. Křemík se obecně používá k výrobě tranzistorů kvůli vysokému jmenovitému napětí, většímu proudu a menší teplotní citlivosti. Sekce emitor-báze udržovaná v předpětí předurčuje základní proud, který protéká základní oblastí. Velikost základního proudu je mimořádně malá. Základní proud způsobí, že se elektrony přesunou do oblasti kolektoru nebo vytvoří díru v základní oblasti. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Základna tranzistoru je extrémně tenká a lehce fixovaná, protože má ve srovnání s emitorem méně elektronů. Omezené elektrony emitoru jsou kombinovány s otvorem základní oblasti a zbývající elektrony se pohybují směrem k oblasti kolektoru a tvoří kolektorový proud.
- Programming and HTML Editing Software | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Programming Editing Software What is programming editing software? They are a computer program that edits plain text and called text editors. Text editing software is incorporated with operating systems and software development packages, they are used to write or modify configuration files, documentation files, and programming language source code. Here are some of the programming editing programs I use: Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to create and change any kind of text very efficiently. It is included as ‘vi’ with most UNIX systems and Apple OS X. Vim is rock stable and is continuously being developed into a better text editor. Features: Persistent, multi-level undo tree. Extensive plugin systems. Support for a myriad of programming languages and file formats. Powerful search and replace abilities. Integrates well with many tools. Notepad++ is a popular free-to-use code editor written in C++. It uses pure win32 API which offers a larger execution speed and small program size. It only runs in the MS Window's environment but uses a GPL License. Features: This text editor supports syntax highlighting for languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Auto-completion: Word completion, Function completion. Macro recording and playback. User-defined Syntax highlighting and folding. Customizable GUI. Multi-view and Multi-Language support. Visual Studio Code is an open-source (Free) code editing software developed by Microsoft. This free text editor offers built-in support for TypeScript, JavaScript, and Node.js. It is autocompleted with IntelliSense features provides smart completions based on variable types, essential modules, and function definitions. Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux. Features: Easy working with Git and other SCM (Software Configuration Management) providers. Code refactoring & debugging. Easily extensible and customizable. Brackets is a free lightweight tool developed by Adobe. It allows you to toggle between your source code and the browser view. Platform: Mac, Windows, Linux Features: Quick Edit UI feature puts context-specific code and tools inline. Offers live preview, pre-processor support, and inline editors. Pleasant-looking User Interface (UI). A specifically developed tool for macOS Comes with the inbuilt extension manager. Dreamweaver is an Adobe software editor that allows users to create, code, and manage dynamic websites easily. Users can build responsive websites that adapt to fit any screen size, whether it is on a computer or handheld device. You can preview your websites and edit in real-time to ensure your pages look and work the way you want before you publish. It provides access code hints so users can quickly learn and edit HTML, CSS, and other web standards, and it uses visual aids to reduce errors and speed up site development. I have been using Dreamweaver for countless years and have found it to be a reliable robust editor. But it is expensive and out of reach for many non-professional users.
- Orchids | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Orchideje Orchideje mají o sobě jedinečnou auru a pocházejí ze všech částí světa. Orchideje mají velkou rozmanitost barev, tvarů, velikostí a vůní, i když ne všechny mají příjemné vůně. Rostou v tropických, mírných a některých v téměř mrazivých podmínkách. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Mnoho lidí považuje orchideje za obtížné pěstovat a kvést. Ve skutečnosti se většina orchidejí snadno pěstuje a rozkvétá, ale u všech planet jsou vyžadovány správné podmínky. Řada je prakticky nezničitelná a díky několika základním tipům může většina lidí pěstovat orchideje, takže nejen prospívají, ale i kvetou. Orchideje mají o sobě jedinečnou auru a pocházejí ze všech částí světa. Orchideje mají velkou rozmanitost barev, tvarů, velikostí a vůní, i když ne všechny mají příjemné vůně. Rostou v tropických, mírných a některých v téměř mrazivých podmínkách. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Mnoho lidí považuje orchideje za obtížné pěstovat a kvést. Ve skutečnosti se většina orchidejí snadno pěstuje a rozkvétá, ale u všech planet jsou vyžadovány správné podmínky. Řada je prakticky nezničitelná a díky několika základním tipům může většina lidí pěstovat orchideje, takže nejen prospívají, ale i kvetou. Mezi nejjednodušší druhy orchidejí k pěstování patří: Phalaenopsis (vyslovováno - Fal-en-op-sis) Dendrobium (vyslovováno - Den-droh-bee-um) Cattleya (vyslovuje se - Kat-lee-ya). Cymbidium (vyslovuje se - Sim-bid-ee-um) Coelogyne (vyslovuje se - See-loj-in-ee), Coelogyne Alba má skvělou vůni. Rozmanitost Přestože na naší planetě obývá více než 35 000 druhů orchidejí, lidé tyto druhy hybridizovali a vytvořili více než 200 000 hybridů. Mnoho z nich se pěstuje pro své atraktivní květiny, ale semenné látky vanilkové orchideje poskytují oblíbené aroma. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Na rozdíl od většiny rostlin mohou orchideje růst ve vzduchu. Jejich kořeny se připevňují ke stromům nebo skalám, kde mohou zachytávat vlhkost a živiny. Starodávná linie Důkazy naznačují, že orchideje pocházejí z doby, kdy se po planetě potulovali dinosauři, asi před 120 miliony let, a mnoho z nich má vztah k určitým druhům hmyzu nebo ptáků, aby mohli opylovat své květiny. Orchideje jsou značná, různorodá a jedinečná rodina rostlin. Orchideje nebo Orchidaceae jsou jednoděložné kvetoucí rostliny v nadřádu Liliiflorae. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Monocots jsou možná nejdůležitější rostliny na Zemi a pocházejí z našich čtyř nejdůležitějších potravin, jako je rýže, kukuřice, pšenice a ječmen. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Jiné, jako bambus a palmy, jsou v mnoha zemích primárním zdrojem stavebních materiálů a cukrová třtina, ananas, datle a banány pocházejí z jednoděložných rostlin. Rodina orchidejí obsahuje více druhů než kterákoli jiná rodina rostlin - někteří botanici odhadují rodina obsahuje asi 25 000 až 35 000 druhů. Orchideje kvetou v široké škále barev a tvarů a žijí na různých stanovištích, od: Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Žijte na přímém slunečním světle, ve stínu, v chladném a chladném podnebí Vylezte na skály, stromy Pěstujte na zemi Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Další vlastností orchidejí je, že mají několik charakteristických rysů, například: Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Pestíky (ženská část) Tyčinky (mužská část) Orchideje přicházejí charakteristicky ve dvou hlavních formách, monopodiální a sympodiální orchideje. Monopodiální orchideje mají stonky, které rostou neurčitě. Tento typ listu orchideje vždy roste od konce stonku a monopodiální orchideje často vytvářejí vzdušné kořeny podél svých stonků. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Monopodiální orchideje nemají žádné pseudobulbs, produkují nový růst z koruny rostliny a kořeny mohou být obzvláště náhodné. Není neobvyklé mít vzdušné kořeny v pravidelných intervalech podél kmene, zejména u druhů, jako je Vandas. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Květinové hroty neboli květenství rostou ze strany stonku, ne z konce. Mezi oblíbené monopodiální orchideje patří: Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Vanda Phalaenopsis Sympodiální orchideje jsou rozděleny do kategorií podle řady výhonků nebo stonků podobných cibulkám, známých jako pseudobulbs. Pseudobulby stoupají ze základny před ní a každá pseudobulba má omezený růst. Kořeny se obvykle tvoří ze základny pseudobulb nebo podél oddenku. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Květinový hrot sympodiálních orchidejí vychází ze základny hlízy nebo dokonce z oddenku. Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Tropické orchideje jsou často Sympodial a populární Sympodial orchideje zahrnují: Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Cattleyas Dendrobia Oncidia Spathoglottis Sympodiální orchideje mají pseudobulby, které rostou na oddenku. Mohou vypadat krátké, že se cibule jeví jako vzájemně připevněné, nebo dostatečně dlouhé, aby mezi nimi mohly být palce. Z důvodu rozsáhlého vzoru bočního růstu je nutné tyto orchideje pravidelně znovu vysazovat.
- Finland | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Finland Ylläs, Finland, well what can I say. If it is good skiing you want, it is not the best location to consider. I skied one day in two weeks if you can call it skiing. I eagerly made my way to the first slope in a thirty mile an hour wind and a blistering -42° (without the wind-chill) that froze my eyelids, I got off the lift and…waited, waited, and waited. At least a forty-degree incline and I was still stuck to the snow like glue to wood and ended up poling myself down the slope and worked up a greater sweat than running a marathon. Needed a drink after that run, not tea or coffee either. Meanwhile, my two mates were skiing one of the other three slopes. There are more than four runs, but most were closed because of the high winds. However, I can recommend the scenery, hospitality, husky safaris, and ski bike tours. Make sure you shop around as prices vary considerably. I managed to get a husky ski bike tour to a husky site and then a husky safari for the afternoon. We left at 1030 hours and arrived back about 1900 hours, so a full day for less than other companies was charging for a four-hour husky ride. The food was fantastic, if expensive, but once your there they have you, so you must cough up or stay in your accommodation all evening. Pete and I eat out every evening, but Chris tended to eat in. There is a nice supermarket, and the prices are good so if you’re on a budget eat in. The three of us found a fantastic chapel where Chris recited one of his compositions on the piano much to the pleasure of the locals. Pete and I talked to the woman who looked after the chapel. She was rightly proud of Saint Laurent chapel. It is a modern wooden design that hosts Christmas concerts with its innovative architecture and acoustic resonance. The chapel bell has its own structure outside of the chapel, an innovative design. We went in March and the temperature varied from -32 to -46. Our log-cabin had under-floor heating and a great log burner, so we were more than comfortable. It even had a clothing and ski boot warmer.
- Canada | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Canada Canada is a North American country comprising ten provinces and three territories. Positioned in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Canada is the world’s second-largest country by total area, and its common border with the United States of America is the world’s longest land border. Canada has been inhabited for millennia by various Indigenous peoples. During the late 15th century, British and French colonial expeditions explored, and settled the region’s Atlantic coast. France relinquished virtually all its colonies in North America to the United Kingdom in 1763 following the French and Indian War, which was basically the North American Seven Years’ War. While walking the Sundance trail near Banff I met my first wolves face-to-face. There was a pack of about seven and having bred and trained a few German shepherd dogs I noticed their tails were relaxed and their attention was not on me. So, I kept very still and avoided direct eye contact. That day they passed me by on a ridge about ten metres away. A couple of days later, while on the same trail, they were on the track about 50 metres in front of me. Now the prudent thing to do would be to turn back, but I am not like that. So, I waited and watched as they moved closer. Again, the wolves seemed relaxed and showed no signs of aggression, anyway, it was too late to retreat, and running was not an option, doing this might turn on their hunting instincts. Slowly they came closer until they were about six feet in front of me I am not sure why, but I started to talk quietly to them and slowly they came up to me and carried on walking past, a couple brushing against my legs. I knew it was the same pack, one of the females had a slight limp. During my stay in Banff, I met the wolves once more, and again they walked close enough that I brushed my hand over the back of one. Hell of a feeling I can tell you. Anyway, that brought on my love of these animals. Several years later I when staying in Canmore a town in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains I heard a local farm had looked after two young wolves and let them roam the farmland. They also had a rare white bison, so I contacted them to arrange a visit. Fantastic place and the owners looked after me and showed me around. Unfortunately, the two wolves were not around and two weeks later I had a disturbing email stating that the wolves had been shot and killed by another farmer. In 1867, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces due to the union of three British North American colonies through a coalition. This initiated an accretion of provinces and territories and the process of increasing autonomy culminated in the Canada Act of 1982. Canada is a federal state governed as a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy - with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state (the Canadian anthem is the Royal anthem ‘God Save the Queen.’ The country is officially multicultural and bilingual, with a population of around 38 million as of 2020. Canada’s forward-thinking economy is one of the largest in the world, relying mainly upon its copious natural resources and well-developed trade systems. Canada ranks amongst the highest in international measurements of education, quality of life, government transparency, civil liberties, and economic freedom.